Revised School Plan

 St. Ignatius School District #28- If you are seeing this on Facebook Check out School Web page under News for a better format and more understandable version.  

Return to School Planning 2020-2021 (Continued- Again a Draft)

Great News today from Lake County Health Dept. - Currently only 20 Cases in Lake County and 0 in St. Ignatius

St. Ignatius Schools are proactively looking at the return to school plans for the fall of the 2020-2021 school year.  We recognize that we don’t know yet what impact Covid-19 will have on our plans for returning students to the building.  We do know that Covid-19 is here and it will not be over anytime soon or ever. There are no guarantees at this time other than it will be present and at this time there is not vaccine or cure.  With that said we have put together a four plan option below preparing to implement one or all of them as situations unfold.  As a community, we need to be flexible and able to rotate from plan to plan fluently as situations change.  We have surveyed staff and parents to get an idea of where everyone is at and as expected there are many mixed feelings across the board.  We do not want to lose students and we will find a way to serve every student in our district to meet the educational needs of all students. 


I. Parents and Guardians: Starting Aug. 10 and by August 19 we need for you to call and let the school know if your children will be learning remotely and if you plan to send your children to school for direct instruction? We need to plan for the upcoming year and need to know how to best serve you.  Please read the plans before answering so you are clear on what you want for your children.  We will also need your updated email addresses so we can better communicate.  Elementary call Connie Marchant: 745-3811 x 302 Middle and High School call 745-3811 to either Lou Rice x 300 or Jackie Spidel x 263 (Please call between 8am and 2pm. You can leave a message as well, with email and choice for school start up) 2020-2021) We will allow for students to move back into school or back to remote twice in the first semester before we will have to meet and discuss the reason for extenuating circumstances. We understand that this is new to everyone and these are tough times with tough decisions.  We want to serve our community the very best way we can while being supportive and safe.

II Health Department recommends that students social distance 6’ and if within 6’ for no more than 15 minutes.  So at recess as long as students stay 6’ apart or do not remain within 6’ for 15 minutes they are following the health department recommendation.

III. If a student is tested positive that student will obviously be quarantined for duration of illness and a minimum of 14 days.   Anyone who was within 6’ of this student for more than 15 minutes will also be quarantined for 14 days and this includes teachers, staff and students.  If the original student comes back negative they can be allowed back in school.  If a student was exposed to a person who tested positive (within 6’ for more that 15 min.) and gets tested and is negative that student is still quarantined for 14 days.  

IV. It takes 2-7 days to get back testing results. 

V. We will need to move fluidly through situations and be able to adjust as new situations arise.     

We have a plan that will allow us to move from phase to phase and be prepared to move from 0 to 3 at any time.

State or Local Directives               Safety and Health Protocols          On-Site and/or Remote                   Other Information


Phase 0

Local or State Stay at Home Order


Follow MHSA for Extra-Curricular Participation,  Competition, Practice, Events, Open Gym, Camps


All School Facilities are Closed to the Public and Students











Full-Time Remote Learning

·       Same as the Spring: Start with End in Mind

·       Semester Expectations of Essential Understandings Delivered

·       Support and Online Tools  as well as Study Guides Given for Essential Understandings

·       Teachers, Para’s Available for Support

·       Semester Evaluations Completed at the End of Semester or Quarter

·       Teachers: On or Off Campus depending on State CDC recommendation and standards

·       Remotely Serving Students with Limited Contact –Teachers could be asked to be at work during normal hours 1-5 days a week depending on situation(s)

·       Maintenance: Evenings Cleansing and Cleaning of all Facilities (normal schedule)

·       Classified Normal Hours On-site Supporting Online and Food Distribution

·       Human Contact Limited to All

Phase 1

Restricted local or state operations-

Limits group size at 10-15, without social distancing as per local or state order.


Follow MHSA for Extra-Curricular Participation,  Competition, Practice, Events, Open Gym, Camps


Follow State Recommendations for transportation of students and staff


  • All school facilities are equipped with Ninex Tempcon Network System.  The Ninex TempCon System is the first of its kind that can automatically check the temperature of everyone at our school multiple times a day without “Human Interaction” utilizing the Thermal Imaging Cameras and Artificial Intelligence Technology.  This system will help School District #28 be one of the safest schools in the State of Montana and comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Act general duty clause.  (Section 5(a) for Covid-19) This system will identify anyone with an elevated body temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher.  Detect-Analyze-Identify-Notify… In Seconds 
  • All school facilities are equipped with Ninex Tempcon Network System.  The Ninex TempCon System is the first of its kind that can automatically check the temperature of everyone at our school multiple times a day without “Human Interaction” utilizing the Thermal Imaging Cameras and Artificial Intelligence Technology.  This system will help School District #28 be one of the safest schools in the State of Montana and comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Act general duty clause.  (Section 5(a) for Covid-19) This system will identify anyone with an elevated body temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher.  Detect-Analyze-Identify-Notify… In Seconds 
  • All school facilities are equipped with Ninex Tempcon Network System.  Detect-Analyze-Identify-Notify… In Seconds 

·        Masks Provided and Staff/Students Encouraged to Wear

·       Hand washing taught and time dedicated numerous times a day

·       Cleansing of buildings daily

·       No Public Visitors allowed

*School Administration will decide Option 1 (A) or 1(B)

*Parents can Choose between Option 1 (A)/(B) or Option 2

Option 1 (A)

·       Blended Model of on-site and remote learning

·       Learning will occur two days a week on-site, with the remaining three days remotely

·       Classes will be divided into two groups one Group attending on ‘A’ Days and the other Group on ‘B’ days  Monday-Thursday (We will divide this so families stay together)

·       Students will attend all 8 Classes 2x Week

·       There could be short term school closure  (2-5 days)

Option 1 (B)

Elementary:  Music, library, and NAS teachers move around to classrooms instead of students traveling down the hall. PE when doing the health portions. Breakfast and Lunch in classrooms.  

Modified recess schedule so no large groupings during lunch. 


HS/MS: Block schedule Monday through Thursday.  We will do 4 classes a Quarter with block every day and Quarter will count for semester credit. This will limit student movement and allow teachers more prep time to support students that have chosen to be served remotely.  Fridays will be optional for students attending regular classes.  They can come to school and work in the library or in classrooms on projects or current classes.  Students will be given front load material and essential understanding work to be completed for the upcoming week.  On Fridays teachers will have time to check in, assess and line out their remote learners.  


Option 2

·       Families could choose 100% Online Remote Learning (The Approach would be very similar to Phase 0)

·       We will make available the lesson plans and preparation for essential understandings weekly.  Fridays will be dedicated to remote learning and teacher contact.  Fridays will be dedicated to remote learning and contact of remote learners from staff to organize and assess remote learners. 


·       Teachers: On-Campus

·       Serving students with a blended approach Monday through Thursday.  Serving Remote learners and remote assessments on Friday.

·       Maintenance: Evenings Cleansing Facilities

·       Classified: Normal Hours On-site Supporting Students and Food Distribution


Phase 2

*Modified local or state operations-

Limits on group size at 50, without social distancing, as per local or state order

*Follow MHSA for Extra-Curricular Participation,  Competition, Practice, Events, Open Gym, Camps

*Follow State Recommendations for transportation of students and staff


·        Masks Provided and Staff/Students Encouraged to Wear

·       Hand washing taught and time dedicated numerous times a day

·       Cleansing of buildings daily

·       Limited Public Visitors

Option 1:

Elementary:  Music, library, and NAS teachers move around to classrooms instead of students traveling down the hall. PE when doing the health portions. Breakfast and Lunch in classrooms.  

Modified recess schedule so no large groupings during lunch. 


HS/MS: Block schedule with ‘A’ and ‘B’ Days Monday through Thursday.  This will limit student movement and allow teachers more prep time to support students that have chosen to be served remotely. We will do 4 classes a Quarter with block every day and will count for semester credit at the end of the first quarter.   Fridays will be optional for students attending regular classes.  They can come to school and work in the library or in classrooms to work on projects or current classes.  Students will be given front load material and essential understanding work to be completed for the upcoming week.  On Fridays teachers will have time to check in, assess and line out their remote learners. 


Option 2

·       Families could choose 100% Online Remote Learning (The Approach would be very similar to Phase 0)

·       We will make available the lesson plans and preparation for essential understandings weekly.  Fridays will be dedicated to remote learning and teacher contact.  Fridays will be dedicated to remote learning: Contact, Organize, Assess remote learners from teachers.

·       Teachers: On Campus

·       Serving students a with block approach Monday through Friday.  Serving Remote learners and remote assessments on Friday.

·       Maintenance: Evenings Cleansing Facilities

·       Classified: Normal Hours On-site Supporting Students and Food Distribution


Phase 3

Return to normal local and state operations


No Restrictions on Extra-Curricular Activities


Transportation – Back to Normal

·       Hand washing taught and time dedicated numerous times a day

·       Cleansing of buildings daily

·       Public Visitors Allowed

Traditional School Model

·       On-site learning will return to students, with a full schedule Monday through Friday with Block Schedule for one year (2020-2021)

·       Students will rotate through schedules and routines as normal. 


100% Remote Learning

  • Remote Learning will be available to some students based on personalized learning plan.  We will continue to meet the educational needs of all students in our district. 

·       Teachers: On Campus

·       Serving students a with block approach Monday through Friday.  Serving Remote learners and remote assessments as needed.

·       Maintenance: Evenings Cleansing Facilities

·       Classified: Normal Hours On-site Supporting Students and Food Distribution. 







What has been Ordered for School Safety:

  • 700 Bulldog Masks for Students and Adults
  • 3,225 Disposable Face Masks
  • 200 Full-Length Face Shields PETG
  • All school facilities are equipped with Ninex Tempcon Network System.  The Ninex TempCon System is the first of its kind that can automatically check the temperature of everyone at our school multiple times a day without “Human Interaction” utilizing the Thermal Imaging Cameras and Artificial Intelligence Technology.  This system will help School District #28 be one of the safest schools in the State of Montana and comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Act general duty clause.  (Section 5(a) for Covid-19) This system will identify anyone with an elevated body temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher.  Detect-Analyze-Identify-Notify… In Seconds Equipped in Main Entrance and one in each School Hallway.   5 Cameras Total 
  •  3 Motorscrubber Jet Backpack Storm Ballistic Virus Killer with Vitalized Covid-Killer Liquid Mist Spray
  • 50 Containers of Clorox Wipes
  • 600 Student Desk Protection Screens 100% PET-G Protection
  • 4 Administrative Office Desk Sneeze Guards Partition Window
  • 25 Full 180 Degree Tilt PETG Face Shields with PP Head Bracket
  • Valley Glass is installing sneeze shields to the lunch room serving station if and when needed
  • 50 Additional hand sanitizers have been added to the schools so that every class has an available hand-sanitizers that will be filled as needed 
  • Parents are encouraged to transport students whenever it is feasible to do so. Masks or face shields are required on all District school buses unless special circumstances exist. All students will have an assigned seat. Family members will sit together. Students will be seated two to a seat on most routes.  Hand sanitizer will be available on all buses and the buses will be sterilized with our Motorscrubber Jet Backpack Storm Ballistic Virus Killer with Vitalized Covid-Killer Liquid Mist Spray after every route.
  • All field trips must be approved by the building administration and will be highly restricted. The District will follow the guidelines set up by the Montana High School Association for athletic competition. At this time, fall sports are a go.

Specific Answers to Specific Questions Concerning the 2020-2021 School Year: 


I. If school started today, we would be in Phase II Option 1or 2: In-School Students will attend school Mon.-Thurs. 8:15-3:20

Elementary:  Music, library, and NAS teachers can move around to classrooms instead of students traveling down the hall. PE could also use regular classrooms when doing the health portions. Breakfast and Lunch will be in classrooms with ‘Grab and Go’ being utilized as much as possible to avoid large group congregation.  On Fridays teachers will have time to check in, assess and line out their remote learners.  Modified recess schedule so no large groupings during lunch. 

HS/MS: HS will be on block schedule Monday through Thursday with all students taking 4 classes in the first Quarter with block every day that will count as .5 Semester Credit at the end of the first quarter.  Then second quarter students will take an additional four classes that will also count as a semester credit.  So whether you are remote or at school students will be taking 4 classes per quarter.  MS will be running on A and B days with 4 blocks on A days and 4 blocks on B days.  This will limit student movement and allow teachers more prep time to support students that have chosen to be served remotely. (Fridays will be optional for students attending regular classes.  They can come to school and work in the library or in classrooms to work on projects or current classes.)  Students will be given front load material and essential understanding work to be completed for the upcoming week.  On Fridays teachers will have time to check-in, assess and line out their remote learners. 


 Official Policy Directly from Montana Chapter American Academy of Pediatrics on Masks with input from CDC:

  • Middle School/High School: Masks are REQUIRED for in-person learning when social distancing of 6 feet cannot be maintained.
  • Elementary School: Masks are STRONGLY recommended for in-person learning and should be utilized for all children when social distancing of 6 feet cannot be maintained.
  • In classrooms where physical distancing is not possible for labs; cooking, etc masks will be required.  Teachers may require masks be worn as well as physical distance with the administrative approval as deemed necessary to keep students and staff safe for circumstantial reasons deemed appropriate.  Proposed Addition to Board Policy for August Board Meeting- Board Policy 7060      Safety Measures
    The Superintendent is authorized to adopt reasonable safety measures to protect the safety of District personnel, students, and visitors on District premises and during school-related activities.  Reasonable safety measures include adoption of cleaning/sanitation plans, use of physical safeguards/barriers, and required use of personal protective equipment (e.g., face masks).  Exceptions to any requirements adopted by the Superintendent may be granted as required by law and on a case-by-case basis.
  • Parents will be encouraged to provide their child with a mask or face
    shield. The District will have masks and/or shields available for those who do not have one at school. These masks or face shields must be worn in common areas or areas where social distancing of 3-6 feet cannot be maintained. All students must have a face covering to get on a bus. Face masks or shields must be school appropriate.  Political or inappropriate school masks will not be allowed. 

Remote Learning

  • Consistency will be required for parent communication and remote learning plans from the school and teachers.   
  • As a District, we understand there will be a percentage of our population who will prefer remote learning, for various reasons. With this in mind, we are looking at ways to make this an effective means of education for your child. Students who choose remote learning will be graded the same way as the in-person students. They will receive an actual grade. There will not be a pass/fail option. Remote learning will be much more difficult than it was in the spring.  Remote learners will take the same assessments and will be graded the same as in-school students.  Curriculum is being explored for Middle and High School that may deem more reasonable for some students including BYU Courses or Programs such as Accellus or MT Digital Academy. 
  • During the parent survey, many discussed the challenges they faced during the spring remote learning. The biggest concern was communication and a desire for video instruction on the lesson. We are looking at ways to help in this area. Bandwidth and other technical issues make it difficult to create a true remote learning environment with video or live streaming.
  • By having block scheduling in the middle and high school, teachers will have a 90 minute period each day with no scheduled class. The first 45 minutes will be a regular prep and the other 45 minutes will be set aside for remote learning questions and contacts. On Fridays, the teachers will be expected to work on remote learning as well as assessments and be available to students when needed.
  • We will send home any books or other materials your child needs for remote learning. We will have some Chromebooks available. We are in the process of purchasing more, but as you can imagine, there is a huge demand for them at this time. Our goal is to be 1 to 1 for every student with a chrome books as supplies allow. 
  • We are going to be doing training on Google Classroom for our staff before school starts. This will allow teachers to upload classroom teaching onto the teacher’s Google Classroom and save so the students can access it. We understand there will also be a need for training for the parents who will have to help their child access this material.
  • At the elementary, we will be sending some of the work home, like spelling handbooks and other materials needed to keep up in the classroom. We have discussed concentrating on the core subjects for the remote learning students in the elementary. We will hopefully have videos of the specific lessons available for the remote learning students. Again, teachers will be available on Fridays to work with you and your student. Hopefully they will be able to address your concerns during this time.
  • If a student with an IEP or 504 Plan chooses remote learning, the IEP Team must meet to discuss and plan on whether or not this is the best way to serve the IEP/504 student.  District will help determine if the accommodations and support can be delivered remotely or will need to be modified or changed to meet the needs of each individual student. \

Other News:

  • All school plans will be re-evaluated at the end of the first semester. 
  • The administration and teachers will take the 4 PIR days at the beginning of the year to prepare for this new delivery and logistics needed to successfully teach students here at school and remotely.  Our goal will be to successfully serve all students and all situations that Covid has presented successfully.   Time will be spent coordinating and training on Google Classroom and the best viable ways to serve students here at school and remotely safely. 
  • School District #28 is in search of 1 Full-Time Nurse for the 2020-2021 school year.
  • We are hoping to work with the parents and guardians of our students to monitor for COVID-19 symptoms and potential exposure. If a student has been exposed, then they must stay home from school and seek medical attention. They may not return to school until they have been cleared to return to school by a healthcare professional. If a student exhibits symptoms at school, they will be isolated until a parent or guardian can be notified to pick the student up.
  • We will be installing Plexiglas screens at every secretary’s desk for their protection. In order to protect our medically fragile and immune compromised students and staff members. For the most part, schools will be open to students, family members and staff. School District #28 will allow limited access for pre-approved visitors, vendors and volunteers. They must wear a face mask or face shield during their time in the building and allow a touch less temperature check.
  • All schools will have a designated area for students who exhibit signs of COVID-19 to keep them away from the other students and staff as much as possible until a parent or guardian can get to the school to pick them up.


  • Parents are encouraged to transport students whenever it is feasible to do so. Masks or face shields are required on all District school buses unless special circumstances exist. All students will have an assigned seat. Family members will sit together. Students will be seated two to a seat on most routes.  Hand sanitizer will be available on all buses and the buses will be sterilized with our Motorscrubber Jet Backpack Storm Ballistic Virus Killer with Vitalized Covid-Killer Liquid Mist Spray after every route.
  • All field trips must be approved by the building administration and will be highly restricted. The District will follow the guidelines set up by the Montana High School Association for athletic competition. At this time, fall sports are a go.   

Additional Safety Information

Additional Information from Dr. David Higgins, MD, MS Montana Chapter American Academy of Pediatrics with four proven evidence-based practices that has shown to contribute to the decrease in the spread of Covid-19 and Flu:

1) Hand Hygiene- Wash hands as often as you can that is reasonable and available. 

2) Physical Distancing- For schools to be physically distanced while still socially available is encouraged.  6 Feet is Best; 5 feet is better than 4 Feet, ETC. (The most possible physical distance is best, but it is not exact)

3) Masks are beneficial and according to Dr. Higgins and do help a great deal.  He also went on to say that masks for kids is going better than expected in summer camps and programs.  He did also say zero-tolerance for masks is unrealistic.  We will do our best to encourage and enforce masks when necessary. 

4) Vaccines like the Flu Shot are more important than ever to get done for children and adults. 

5) Temp screening with students screened by hand is not a good idea, since it will put students in large groups waiting for screens.  (Our screening and screening protocol will be done without forcing students to congregate or wait to enter the school.)   

MHSA Extra-Curricular Activities and Competition Requirements: (See Attached MHSA Document)

MHSA Approval of Brick and Mortar Rule:  Students who choose the remote learning from home are eligible to participate in extra-curriculars. 

  • I am going to recommend that the board follows the MHSA stance of allowing remote learners to practice and compete. 

St. Ignatius Specific Plan for Competitions and Practice:

·       Practice and Competition will be conducted with MHSA Stipulations and Requirements


Competition Requirements:

       We are fortunate to be able to have events, so despite what we may believe there are requirements that folks may not like in order to offer the opportunity to allow for competition to continue.  Everyone is responsible for themselves including, but not limited to, social distancing and any liability in attending these events.  It is recommended that all attendees wear facial masks.  School District #28 is not responsible or liable for anyone who chooses to attend the events.  THIS EVENT IS OPTIONAL FOR EVERYONE INVOLVED.  Students that choose to attend events must understand that attending events is not mandatory and never required.     


       If you are at risk for any health reasons; if you have been out of the area in the past 14 days; if you don’t feel well; please stay home and do not attend events or games.  Hand-Sanitizer will be available at and during events.  


  • Football and Cross Country:  We will recommend social distance and that guests stay as physically apart as possible.  We ask attendees outside of the marked areas to observe social distancing (i.e., maintaining a distance from others of at least six feet and limiting physical contact with others)  Wearing face masks is also recommended by the health department to avoid the risk of exposure to COVID-19.  School District #28 has consulted with county health officials and is following their recommendations. For Football only athletes, coaches, refs and trainers are allowed inside the fenced area.  For Cross Country only athletes and coaches are allowed in the designated team area.  Required face shields will be purchased by the school for extra-curricular participation. 
  • Volleyball Games and Indoor Activities: (Changed since the parent meeting) No one, but athletes and coaches will be allowed on the team bench.  There will be a row behind the athletes that will remain open.  All parents, guests, student body and community that choose to attend indoor activities will be required to wear a mask entering the school and gym, bathrooms and concession lines.  Any place social distancing is not possible will require a mask to be worn.  If you are in the stands and social distancing is possible, masks may be removed while seated and social distanced.  When social distance is not possible Masks are required.     



*These plans will be adjusted as necessary to meet local and state requirements. 

These plans will be changed as additional information becomes available.  Some schools are not allowing visitors at all from other communities as well as limiting the numbers of spectators for each event. 

The Health Department recommends moving so that there is 3-6 feet between athletes for no more than 15 minutes at a time.