Montana Crisis Response

In February 2021, the state of Montana DPHHS, received a FEMA/SAMHSA disaster relief grant to provide crisis counseling for all Montanans experiencing stress, depression, sadness, fear, anxiety, and other mental health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.  This resource remains available through February 15, 2022.  


 Montana Crisis Recovery is a COVID-19 specific crisis call center available to all Montanans staffed by Crisis Counselors.  All calls to the line are free and confidential.


 Crisis Counselors can:

    • help identify information and resources available to callers and problem solve through the stress they are experiencing; and, \r\n
    • provide that immediate listening ear without judgment, offer emotional support, focus on immediate needs \r\n
    • Crisis counselors are non-clinical.  Therefore, they do not take a deep dive into someone’s personal life as a therapist would. \r\n

 Crisis Response Call line:    1-877-503-0833


 For more information visit:

