New Sign -Light It Up
Thanks Chad Killorn :)
Elementary playday that was scheduled for tomorrow (Thursday , May 20) has been postponed until Tuesday, May 25. Any questions call the elementary office at 745-3811 extension 3.
Thank you Chad Killorn for getting the new Bulldog up! We really appreciate getting this done.
The last day of the Afterschool is Thursday May 20. We have had a great year!
Last of the Elementary Afterschool Program is Thursday May 20. We have a great year!
4th Annual Bulldog Blitz will be on for June 26 at the MMGC in Ronan. Please Contact Coach Grant or Coach Oakland for team registration or if you have any questions. Hope to see you there!
Camp forms can be picked up at the high school or elementary office. Contact Coach Grant or Coach Delaney. Hope to see you at Camp!
No After School Program in the Elementary on Thursday, April 29. Come to our Showcase/Open house on that same night!
STUDENTS/PARENTS - get your permission slips in for the Summer Enrichment Program! We will have two sessions. The first session will operate from 8:00 to 11:30 and will include breakfast. The second session will operate from 12n - 3:30 pm and will include a light lunch.
We have a lot of fun activities planned plus we will focus on Math and Reading.
Some of the fun activities include, but NOT limited to-GIANT JENGA, ARTS and CRAFTS, SCAVENGER HUNTS, and DANCE PARTIES. Plus many more exciting new things.
The summer program will operate Monday Thru Thursday for the whole month of June.
If you have any questions please call Ms. Connie at 745-3811 ext 3. The SUMMER PROGRAM WILL OPERATE OUT OF THE MULTIPURPOSE ROOM, SO DROP AND PICK UP STUDENTS OFF AT THE BACK NORTH WEST DOOR OF THE ELEMENENTRY. We hope to see you there!
Elementary Students can sign up now for our Summer School Program. It will be a blast! Forms were sent home with students and we have forms in the office. Call Ms. Connie at 745-3811 for information and to sign up if you didn't receive a form.
St. Ignatius School District #28 Family News:
We still have room for next years transitional kindergarten program (TKO). If your child will be 4 next year and you want to get them enrolled into our program there is still room. This program will fill up, so make sure you contact our elementary school if interested. 406-745-3811 x 302
Join us for a:
Community Bookcase Build
Saturday, May 22, 2021 -
At the Good Ol’ Days Pavilion in St. Ignatius. Lunch served at 12 noon. Presented by Just READ and the St. Ignatius Community.
Community Showcase -OPEN HOUSE
This year we will have our community open house next week on 4/29/21 from 4:00pm-7:00pm. All buildings will be open for parents, students and community. Due to Covid we are required to wear masks and social distance since we are still under Phase II for the remainder of this year. We will have grab and go desserts in the all-purpose room. Families are encouraged to visit the classrooms and view all the great things we offer students here at School District #28. Our student leadership group will be offering tours of all the new facilities. Tours will begin in the high school lobby. We will be conducting senior project presentations that are scheduled throughout the evening. Please stop in and have a dessert, tour and visit classrooms of your student(s). Thank you for all the support and patience this year as we rebuild for a positive future. Go Bulldogs--
Remote Meals: This week we will be dispersing nine meals for this week and next week since we do not have school on 4/30/21. We will be getting meals out this Friday 4/23/21 from 10-12:00am.
The Lake County - CSKT Unified Command, along with the Lake County COVID-19 Health Task Force will be offering the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, free of charge on April 10 and April 17 at the Salish Kootenai College Gymnasium. These vaccine events are open to all Montana residents age 16 and older. Minors will need to be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Please remember, you will need to return for a second dose three weeks later. Sign-up for an appointment by visiting
TKO and Kindergarten Round Up!
Friday, April 9th! Please call the elementary at 745-3811 and schedule a time for your child to be seen.
A Bulldog T-shirts will be given out and we've got a lot of information to gather and share with our TKO and K students! Students who have been in TKO and are entering K are also asked to come in for Roundup so we can be ready for K.
Please call today and register your child for TKO and K Roundup! Bring immunizations, birth certificate, and proof of residency.
Mission Summer Rec is in search of:
1-Majors Level Coach
1-Rookie Level Coach
Players will not be contacted to start practice until we have coaches in place.
Please contact Adam Hawkaluk 406-546-3782 if you are interested.
Community Showcase:
When: Thursday April 29, 2021 4pm-7:30pm
Where: District-Wide
Showcase Details:
The entire school will be open up for parents to visit classrooms freely and socially distanced. 4pm-7:30pm
Masks and Social Distancing will be required-
Senior Projects will be getting done in the High School throughout the evening.
All Classrooms will be open with visual student work in the halls and classrooms - We will be available to welcome and visit with families about what we do here and special programs we offer in each space.
We will have grab-and-go desserts for staff, parents and students in the all-purpose room in the elementary.
New Facilities will be open and available for the community to tour.
Go Bulldogs-
Baseball Field Maintenance -Elders Park
Saturday March 20th at 10 AM.
ALL VOLUNTEERS WELCOME!!! Please bring Tools to help:
-clear fields and baselines
-clean up fence lines
-paint bleachers/dugout
-prepare batting cage
Middle School Wrestling in Hamilton has been cancelled today.