Elementary Spring Pictures were delivered today. They were handed out to the teacher today, so watch for them this week from your student. If you do not want the pictures, promptly return them to the school. You will not be charged. If you choose to keep the pics please send payment back with your student along with any unused photos/\.
Please notify the school if your phone number changes. This is especially important in case of an emergency. Thank you for calling Connie ext 302 or Jackie 263 .
Community Breakfast!
Everyone is welcome to join our school for breakfast this Friday, April 7th, at 7:30am-8:30am and hear from the administration about the great things happening at St. Ignatius Schools!
Next Mission Majors baseball practice will be THURSDAY 4/6/17 at 6pm
Financial Aid Night that was scheduled for this evening, April 3rd, has been cancelled and will be rescheduled. Stay tuned for more information.
Majors Mission Baseball
First Two Weeks Practice Schedule
April 1st, Saturday Field Clean Up 11 AM
April 3rd, Monday Practice at 6pm
April 5th, Wednesday Practice at 6pm
April 7th, Friday Practice at 6pm
April 11th, Saturday Batting Practice 11am
April 10th, Monday Practice at 6pm
April 11th, Tuesday Practice at 6pm
April 12th, Wednesday Batting Practice 6pm
April 13-17 Spring Break
Jason Sargent 406-396-7839
Introducing: St. Ignatius Elementary School’s
Children who will be age four (4) before September 10th will have the opportunity to enroll in St. Ignatius Elementary’s TKO program for the 2017-2018 school year.
There will be a TKO Collection Day held on
Come in with your child to meet the teacher and get more information about our program!
Please bring the following:
Your Child of course!
Birth Certificate
Immunization Records
Proof of Residency (physical address)
Tribal Enrollment Information
Applicable Custody Information
If you are unable to attend or have any questions please drop by the school during regular school hours or call!
Connie Marchant
St. Ignatius Elementary Secretary
406-745-3811 ext. 302
Kindergarten Registration Tuesday March 21, 8:30 am - 12 pm and !:00 pm to 3:30pm. Students must be 5 by Sept 10, 2017.
Please bring with you-
*the student
*birth certificate
*proof of residency (light bill)
*tribal enrollment information
"any applicable custody issues
Paper Tigers-Time/Date Correction
Documentary Child Trauma
Open to All Educators/Renewal Credits Available
Polson HS Auditorium March 23, 2017 6:30 PM
The financial aid night scheduled for this evening has been rescheduled due to presenter illness. Reach Higher Montana will reschedule and we will notify all parents of the new date.
2017-2018 Calendar Meeting
March 1, 2017 4 pm MS Board Room
Committee Meeting -Visitors Welcome
April 11, 2017 Career Day, Mandatory for All Students-
St. Ignatius High School
NO SCHOOL ON Monday : Due to winter storm and possible blizzard conditions expected, school is cancelled for Monday February 6th at St Ignatius. Unnecessary travel only puts students, parents and staff at risk. Weather permitting, school will resume on Tuesday.
We here at the St. Ignatius Fitness Center would be thrilled if the schools would participate in the annual Walking The Rez. Mrs. Cordier’s 3rd grade class participates yearly, which we appreciate. We would love more participation from more classes. The end result is a one of a kind t-shirt, and a certificate for participation, plus the satisfaction of completing the boundary of the Reservation figuratively. I have included the map of the boundary, a flyer of brief information on start and end date. Pedometers are available for any other classes that wish to participate. Contact person for the St. Ignatius area is Arles Hendrickson, I have included her in the email so you can email her with all of the weekly reports for the miles you have completed. Families are encouraged to participate. Call her at 745-4242.
It is our hope that we can make a difference in our youth’s lives one step at a time.
Thank you,
Gigi Yazzie
Lead Fitness Specialist
CSKT Tribal Health, Health & Wellness Division
Community Breakfast, Friday February 3, 7:30-8:30 am
Join us in the Elementary Cafeteria for Biscuits and Gravy and News from across the District.
No school Jan 26-27 for students. We will be having teacher training these two days
Community Breakfast 2nd Quarter will be Friday, February 3rd 7:30-8:30 am in the All-Purpose Room
Be sure to check out the new app for iOS and Android! Search "St Ignatius MT" in the app store.
The Adult Education woodworking class for the evening of Monday 1/9/2017 is canceled due to weather.